Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Montessori Schools

Se upcoming posts will be on Montessori Learning and how it impacts and promotes independence for the child. It nutures the child in fostering independence and learning at their own pace. That is the philoophy behind Monessori schools and it encorporates high quality materials in order to make tha thappen.Teaching has and always will be a pssion, so is furthering my education it has been a priority to me since I was a child. I had a passion for helping others and possibly becoming a doctor one day. Herbal medicine is another passion since many herbs have so many benefits. Doing things natural for me has been a priority and becoming possibly fully organic as far as my diet. Gardenings is a focus that will be a piroity since I want to grow my own food and know what is going into my body.
Live life to the fullest ☮ ♥ ☺ ♪

Monday, June 17, 2024


Things have been crazy. Dad passed away and sister. Lots of healing has been happening and I'm updating this to create a space of healing and update things I love to do and have a passion for. Live life to the fullest ☮ ♥ ☺ ♪

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Summertime update

Summer came for the kids and so they have been eating ice cream every Friday.... Going outside for waterfun almost everyday. We had a talent show. Right now we are in the process of creating a summer book and memory box for the parents of everything they did that summer. The kids have been great all summer. Just a few more weeks until school starts again for them!!! (: Cant wait! Live life to the fullest ☮ ♥ ☺ ♪

The things kids say!

So i was telling the kids at work there are no more dinosaurs anywhere... And one little girl asked... "they are playing hide and seek?" I couldn't help but smile. (: Live life to the fullest ☮ ♥ ☺ ♪

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Water Cycle

This week was about the Water Cycle. This project I had a few kids sponge paint the sun and the clouds. All the rest of the children used markers to make dots on the raindrops. It was a simple project and the kids loved it and had a lot of fun. For the lesson I brought in cotton balls for the kids. We pretended to use them as clouds. I took a bowl of water and had each kid one by one put the cotton ball into the water so that the cotton ball was saturated with water. When the cotton ball was filling with water I told the kids this is like the clouds filling up with rain. After the cotton ball was in the water for 10-20 seconds I told the kids to take the cotton ball out of the water and squeeze all the water out of the cotton ball into the bowl. Then I told them that when the clouds can't hold anymore water in them they have to rain and that's why the cotton ball was dripping water out of it. The kids had more fun playing in the water that was left on the table but it was a simple idea to show the kids how the water cycle work. I work with 2-3 year old's and that project they had a blast with. Live life to the fullest ☮ ♥ ☺ ♪

Easter Project

This is the Easter board I did. I really didn't have the kids do anything so I really didn't like it. But everyone at work loved it. (: Live life to the fullest ☮ ♥ ☺ ♪

Sea Animals

March 27th kids project. The theme of that week was sea animals. I had the kids paint with their hands the blue ocean part of the board then sprinkled glitter all over it to give it the effect of the water. Then I had a few of them paint each sea animal. Simple but the kids enjoyed painting a lot! Live life to the fullest ☮ ♥ ☺ ♪